To wake up ….

In the times leading up to the arrival of Islam, there was the practice of burying alive in the sand some female babies.

How could people get so trapped in a sub-sphere of their inner experience that such practices were manifested?

This is the recalcitrance of ignorance and the brutality of denial that is exposed in the surah Rahman in the Qur’an and exposed by The Christ Jesus when He told his disciples that they would deny Him.

This barbaric practice with regard to these killings suddenly stopped for one person when a baby reached up and pulled on the beard of the man doing the burying.

It was as if this seventh century man snapped out of a dream with a shriek!

The protocols of justified killings by states with Official Secrets are in just such a sub-sphere of collective existence, a sub-sphere of collective denial. There are groups and individuals awake and appalled by the conditions for the masses in so many places on Earth, but they feel leaderless and impotent when reacting to events.

There is a limit to the efforts of frightened leaders to murder and terrorise populations into submission, history tells us this fact. In the Bhagavad-Gita the story tells of Krishna re-establishing the bounds of creation on Earth. The Qur’an talks of what happens when situations in a culture go beyond bounds.

Degenerated systems no longer know of these matters in any practical regard, the protocols of power dismantle individual conscience to render a collective leadership function as psychopathic. This is the global position presently in the G20 on Earth in December 2023.

How is this global breakdown of societal function to be helped?

First, as before in the parables of the Abrahamic culture that culminates as the US Empire, a Writ must be delivered to the leaders of a system to bring them out of a forgivable ignorance, into a remedial denial. This Writ has been delivered. The message of a global illness has been delivered and recorded as delivered on the digital systems of the world. The message offers a diagnosis and a healing for Mankind.

Because death is not a detached phenomenon in itself, it is but a terminal in a whole that is Consciousness living in Its own matter, then the appearances of Mankind’s material drama though real, are not really real.

Everything is held, including all pleasure and pain, in The Source that suffers everything to be.

Thus, the timing of how One Consciousness relieves Its own material pain is by definition not in the created entity’s control. The fact that Cosmic pain relief arrives is part of Mankind’s recorded history. My work is in line with this aforementioned fact of relief.


Immaculate Conception

The place of “neutrality”, the place of the awakening or second birth to the experience of being.

The parables of The Christ, Jesus, are for the most part relegated to a mainly external theology, a phenomenon that has laid the doctrines of the Christian Church open to a weaponisation that has built empires over the last two thousand years.

When the parables are internalised with the help of a realised guide, then the reality of becoming like The Christ Jesus, can be actually experienced.

The virginal place of ripeness in a person, whether male or female, is experienced in a place of Neutrality, ne uteris, not born per se, but a place that then connects all previous and present experience for that then realised Human being.

The stable vehicle that permits the necessary connection of the opposites good and bad, is required to be built under guidance by means of a template. The template for this time is the 12 Step Programme.

This birthing phenomenon is connected here across the work of Joseph Campbell and the 12 Step Programme

Inside a person arriving on Earth, there is deposited a place best described as precious. It is in a position of being, a place prepared. In other words a place of being prior to the paring that occurs as a child is introduced to how they have to be which disciplines them away from their principial centre of their spherical arrival, their being.

Later in a person’s life, if sensitive, a break down of their inner sub-spheres occurs. Then Universal Consciousness has a chance of activating Its own prepared place of possible contact with Itself, when the precious transforms into conscience, an individuation.

The words precious, conscience and conscious all root to scire, the verb meaning to know.

So, the mystery of E=mc² becomes laid open, rude and bare. One Energy seeking to know Itself, created the World and the Universe to know Itself.

In that knowing, the meniscus of the ontology present in the biology of Mankind stands the optimal chance of being the mirror for this Singularity to witness Itself as other when the journey from have to be, to be, is accomplished.

This is to become like little children again as The Christ Jesus said, not to become ignorant again, but to revive the dying have to be experiencing of the sub-spheres of personal existential occurrence with the conscious returning to the centre of one’s principial sphere that every child is born into.

This returning to being, needs help. It is what Mankind is here on Earth to achieve, but the systems of cultural orthodoxy become eventual baffles to this flow of becoming Human and then calamities increase in the collective enterprise.

My blog post called The Quantum Christ brings a parable to life to expose how to have hope in the 21st century that though the harvest is great but the workers are few, as is ever the case, that people in this era are not left without any resource whatsoever.

My work overall, in my personal experience, my writing and my professional therapy practice, is as a midwifery service to a global ripeness which is ready now to be born.


Rise up

The inner war perfectly described, the necessity of material action ‘after’ the illusion has been destroyed. Imminent action is required of us, solitude and renunciation is not enough according to Krishna.

Whatever the appearance of my utterances, my words about the practicality of spirituality, the practicability and development of material action in the present moment, is rooted in my direct experience of the eternal Singularity meeting Its own material action.

“Rise up I love you” seems a timeless order to any material entity downtrodden by authoritarians’ disbelief and the broken lovelessness of cultural dissonance.

It’s how that rising up is to happen.

The old junta can only see outer war, this literal slaughter may come, it’s happened before after all.

My words are about the possibility of a healing, of an inner rising up of meaning, of an individual escape from fear and resentment that then brings about a collective change. This is the message of Carl Jung.
Is this possible?

If the inner war is not fought individually, then the outer war is inevitable collectively, this has been the fact since Muhammad (pbuh) differentiated between the greater and lesser war in the message of Islam.

So, for centuries, the forces of collective plunder have done everything to stop the greater war and insist upon the monetary based lesser wars that form the history of our broken hearts.

Now, rise up and love as you are loved, is the battle cry of the changed person, the reality of every spiritual Messenger sent from your potential future.

Pre-sent to you – now.

Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone

Disengaging “Be” from its secondary Have To …

The opening picture relates to my site

Then, what does this title of this post mean?

I would invite you to look at the word neutral. This little word stems from the notion of the not born. So gears can only disengage from each other through the neutral phenomenon. Similarly silence holds all the spoken global languages, all the world’s played music.

Children are born into a spherical receptacle with one centre. That centre is called destiny, but only when destiny is returned to the word be and that only happens when the word to is retrieved from the word have. This neutralises the have to be, which is the root of the Addictive System’s power and the reason that it is collapsing before our eyes.

The Addictive System

The Addictive System is built on the expression have to be as whole populations are rendered individually into their own personal Cinderella story. The well-meaning governments of the world simply reflect back the system that is inside each person and become bewilderingly broken systems of an amplified collective ugliness that is collective corruption and a collective Baron Hardup which is the systematic obsession with money as the only worth to worship.

This meltdown may or may not not be retrievable as explained from the Sufi Jam, described in these pictures of pages from a book by Idris Shah called Learning How To Learn ….

From Learning How To Learn by Idris Shah

After many years of working with people who recover from the disease of Addiction by returning to their principial core of being which is only experienced from the verb to be unalloyed from any primary connection with the verb to have, I convey this information confident of its practical efficacy.

The bottom pyramid is the verb to have, the built upper pyramid is constructed through conscious contact with the verb to be.

Then the parable of the Grail appears as the birthing of Christ Consciousness after the sensing that all opposites are connected, always have been and always will be.

The blue quote is experienced in the completion of Step 7 in the 12 Step cohesion, further validated by the topmost quote from the basic text of AA which corroborates the importance of the word neutrality.

Only when the be is returned to is the mysterious command of The Christ quickened. The principial centre of being renews the person, birthing them again in the repairing of the terminal connections across which Life flows, activating The Human, being a person. Then all a person’s have to be functions are restored as in the story of Job, their function and service to life returning. Life is returning.

Prince of Peace


I am of Peace
Only God is The Monarch of Peace,
This is why Christ is called
The Prince of Peace
Out of respect.
It is why Gabriel
Is consulted, rather than God
Out of prophetic respect
Peace is a place, you see,
A journey to Peace has
A leaving and an arrival,
I come from that place
Of Peace.
Peace is a living place
Arrived at in a moment
If you actually had a moment.
You would be with me in Peace
If you actually had a moment.
Because you don’t recognise me
Even though you talk of Peace
All the time,
It seems that staying in the moment
Is hard for you,
Otherwise you would know Peace
For yourself.
I am here with you to help,
To help with the leaving
To help with the journey
To help with the arrival
In Peace.

© Andrew Dettman 2017.


The shortest sentence in the Bible is “Jesus wept.” This account about a man who was given the power to quicken the dead, but He still wept.

I cry easily and openly and I am eternally grateful for this fact of life, for this fact of my life. I have learnt some skills so that sometimes I weep before an inevitable stress, sometimes after. As a Spiritual Counsellor it is necessary to hold a safe space for others to be invited to express emotions and thus my balancing happens away from that space.

Wounds often weep when healing.

The physical and the metaphysical are inexorably connected. Only in a contortion does a personality disconnect the two worlds and take the dots out of the Yin Yang ☯️ and pretend that a particular trauma is in fact not a trauma at all. The word trauma simply means wound.

Weeping is a cleansing process, it is a manifestation of the duality of matter as it turns at every point of contact with Singularity. Only in a personality can there be ignorance and then denial of this simple universal law of duality turning in Singularity.

The Earth has to turn, She has no choice as Her simple + and – charge meets the invisible force of Singularity, just so do electrons have to turn around the nucleus in an atom.

Only in a personality starting in ignorance and then doubt that can set into denial, can the turning of opposites seem to have a disconnected justification for the inevitable insane actions that manifest from that refusal to turn.

The population of Mankind and especially their leaders need a weeping, or rather they need to see that the weeping is already there, the leaders are not able to engage with that reality – so they persist in their cartoon castles of resentment and policy protocols that are locked in now to World War Three.

There is a way to avert the devastation seen by Jung in a vision at the end of his life.

Talking of mystical experience

Generally it’s a waste of time talking of mystery!! Carl Jung was buried by the Establishment because in an interview toward the end of his life when he’d had enough of disrespect, he said that he knew that God exists!!

Jung also said so far as a Spiritual experience may be real or not, he said that if such an experience granted a recipient “pistis and peace”, then whether anybody else believed it or not if invited to hear of it, mattered not one jot.

I had an experience of birthing an inner “spiritual baby” in 1982. In the Sufi Way this is known as tifl-al-maani.

Occasionally I have invited orthodox authority and those who think they know of the paradox, to hear my message. Usually my message is too challenging for the receiver to hear anything but their own combative response patterns.

What has never changed over the years of my remaining in this world whilst no longer being fully of it, is my inner state of “pistis and peace”. In fact this said inner state has expanded and continues to extend and expand, not unlike the orthodox scientific view of the physical universe.

Global Stuck and Broken Addiction

At 1:48 my contribution is generously recorded by George Galloway.

I was invited to contribute by George Galloway in response to a piece by Larry Johnson on current global tension around Ukraine and Taiwan.

This message of illness is a message I’ve been delivering on my blog since 2013, standing on the shoulders of Anne Wilson Schaef and her book “When Society Becomes An Addict” published in 1987.

When Society Becomes An Addict (1987) – Anne Wilson Schaef.

Of course as a pragmatist, I accept that the chances of a therapist being invited to help the collapsing governments of the twenty first century are so slim as to be virtually impossible. I can simply deliver a message as it seems to me to be required by my spiritual condition and my conscious realisation.

How that message is received is not my business, I am grateful to have been given a chance to deliver it into the ether of this time. is a beginning, a portal of a possibility toward a process that must write itself as it goes along.

George Galloway was kindly critical of my figures of 20 million Russians killed under Stalin and 40 million Chinese killed under Mao. Bunkum is a great old term, but I am not simply making a figure up without some reference to history, but I of course am open to debate too….

Prior to the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the archival revelations, some historians estimated that the numbers killed by Stalin’s regime were 20 million or higher

Excess mortality in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin
Scholarly debate around excess mortality in the Soviet Stalin era. – Wikipedia

His policies resulted in the deaths of tens of millions of people in China during his 27-year reign, more than any other 20th-century leader; estimates of the number of people who died under his regime range from 40 million to as many as 80 million, done through starvation, persecution, prison labour in laogai, and mass executions. Mao rarely gave direct instruction for peoples’ physical elimination. According to biographer Philip Short, the overwhelming majority of those killed by Mao’s policies were unintended casualties of famine, while the other three or four million, in Mao’s view, were the necessary victim’s in the struggle to transform China. Many sources describe Mao’s China as an autocratic and totalitarian regime responsible for mass repression, as well as the destruction of religious and cultural artifacts and sites (particularly during the Cultural Revolution).

Mao Zedong
Chinese communist leader (1893–1976) Wikipedia

The British Empire as evidenced in the link to Wikipedia has been the Mother of Atrocities as well as the Mother of Modern Democracy in the past few hundred years. The US Empire has simply built in the last 150 years upon the foundations it inherited from Britain.

I simply return to my message that the Imperial force expressed in the two empires of the UK and the USA have caused the death of many millions over many decades.

All governments therefore are traumatised, mired in their history.

Only an illness diagnostic can connect the orthodox governments of our Earth by and with the paradox that is One.

So, what can the voice of just one person do as they present to carry a message to the United Nations?

Here is a reply I made earlier….

…. and here is a postscript just found, almost an epilogue….


They are foolish people, indeed, who believe that one can reach the Divine Presence without a vehicle without relying on a means. It is as though they are saying, ‘We may reach the moon without using anything. We may jump from here to there!’ What is the purpose of knowledge if one does not use it?

Such people tell those who listen to them that all the knowledge they need can be found in the Holy Qur’an. They say, ‘Read the Qur’an and you will understand.’ That is destroying Islam. It is God’s Ancient and Holy Words. How then, can they say that everyone can recite and understand such a sublime text? On the contrary, God said :

If they had only referred it to the Messenger, and to those in authority among them, those among them who can search out knowledge of it would have known it (4:83)

You must listen to those servants who have been granted authority. Only they can discern the real meanings from what is necessary to be known. Only they can comb the oceans of Divine Knowledge and bring back pearls. Not everyone may comb through the oceans and bring back pearls. That means, if you are unsure about something, you must find such a person – one who is bringing back pearls of meaning.

God has given that understanding only to those special people whom He has authorised to receive it. Not everyone understands. Those who believe otherwise are falling into unbelief (kufr). So, too, are those who – acting upon this misguided belief that the full knowledge of the Holy Qur’an is available to all – declare that the practice of making meditation to a Sufi guide is unbelief fall into unbelief themselves. The irony of their claim is that, through meditation with the Sufi guide, one may come to a real understanding of the Qur’an.

May God forgive me and bless you. Al-Fatiha.

Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani – Lefke, Cyprus Ramadan 17 1425/ October 30, 2004 – from the book The Healing Power of Sufi Meditation ISBN 1-930409-26-5

The above quote exposes a spiritual principle that is at the heart of the 12 Step Programme as it promises to allow a person to construct an experiential vehicle that is fit for the purpose of conscious contact with God, which is stated as Step 11.

For to say to a suffering person, “Just read the book of Alcoholics Anonymous”, expecting that this is enough 88 years after the text arrived through a founder who said whilst writing it, it was as if the pencil had a life of its own, may actually be falling into Spiritual Bypassing and the dogma of a hierarchical intellectually based culture unwittingly hijacking a spiritually based healing that is designed to change the old hierarchy!

All emotions are sacred

The criterion for assessment and for the avoidance of Spiritual Bypassing is to ask the question, how has the message transmissibility of the 12 Step Programme improved over the last 88 years whilst leaving the Basic Text unaltered?

The work of Joe McQ took the 12 Step Programme into a clearer transmissibility in the last decades of the twentieth century, whilst preserving rigorously the original text of Alcoholics Anonymous. He did say though of the 12 Step Programme in the 1970s and 80s, that if you weren’t sick when you went into some of the meetings of AA – you sure as hell were sick when you came out!

This was the catalyst for Joe McQ to begin to work with Charlie P and to travel the world simply improving the transmissibility of the already existing 12 Step Programme by rigorously attending to the words and thus bringing pearls of meaning for a new generation.

Now the same question must be asked for the twenty first century. The context for the asking of the question has changed radically as Anne Wilson Schaef has defined for us in her book written in 1987 called When Society Becomes An Addict.

Anne Wilson Schaef has made the bold and revolutionary discovery that we live in a sick society. Often unknowingly, the vast majority of us collude in a system that encourages addiction and co-dependence – and sees these states as normal. Many of us are addicted to chemicals, not only alcohol or drugs but nicotine, caffeine, chocolate, overeating in general. Even more of us are involved in addictive processes: workaholism, gambling, compulsive shopping, sex, and so on. The realisation of the extent of our addictions, both individually and as a society, is shocking. However, there is no need to get depressed, because we can do something about it.

The first and most important step is to admit and name the disease, both in ourselves and in our society. Anne Wilson Schaef’s brilliant and compassionate dissection of addictive behavioural patterns leaves us no option but to see truth. However, the message of this book is essentially optimistic, because once the process of awareness is triggered, healing begins.

ANNE WILSON SCHAEF, PhD, is an internationally known author whose books are recognised as major contributions to the understanding of addiction. Her bestsellers include Co-dependence Misunderstood, Mistreated and Women’s Reality.
Published in 1987

Any therapist who is not actively recovering from the Addictive System is perpetuating it. Any therapist who is not actively trying to make a system shift is supporting the Addictive System.

p136 When Society Becomes An Addict by Anne Wilson Schaef

The modern spiritual teachings offer no personal template that can provide a sense of vehicle. Therefore the teachers become merely brand vehicles that in themselves cannot carry a person to a Divine Presence experience.

The 12 Step Programme offers the only living vehicle template on Earth presently that is fit for purpose, fit to carry people to their own conscious contact with God.

For a person to be helped to build this vehicle in the 21st century then, even though the template is only 88 years old, guidance from those with their own vehicle up and running is necessary.

This is why good sponsorship is vital in the 12 Step Fellowships. As the founder of the 12 Step Programme Bill W. said, you can’t transmit something you haven’t got.

How vital is it then for those offering treatment in a rehab, treatment that has to be regulated by orthodox non-spiritually based intellectually formulated structures of assessment, to be clear in their adherence to the principles of spiritual healing that are Ancient, principles that Bill W. accessed in a way that was by his own admission, mysterious?

Diction Resolution Therapy is a bridge from the paradox that is spiritual healing, across to the orthodox structures of governance for all forms of healing to be safely delivered. Does this work? I offer some feedback from the relatives of a client I received after one session of counselling with their relative:

Just a short message to thank you for the care and counselling you gave…. He has already started to turn the corner and is looking forward to your next session.

Client feedback to the DRT WhatsApp page. 2023.

The opening quote in this post is offered simply to see a correlation across the centuries as to how consciousness transmits. The Sufi is ever free from dogma, is ever the pragmatist, for the Sufi knows that there is only One Existent.

Bülent Rauf – Addresses II

In this post linked below, I explore the building of this vehicle as the completion and perfecting of a sense of an octahedral presence that establishes personal experience of Divine intervention that heals and establishes an ever deepening and improving contact with Consciousness Itself.

12 Step Programme as an Ancient Template fit for the 21st century

A Determined Revelation Of Love

The above was written in 2015 and now in 2023 after 9 years of my blogging, the conditions in the newscasts seem to telegraph an imminent termination for Mankind on Earth – only a Human determination can repair the conditions that have fallen again into disrepair.

In the last century a man called Bülent Rauf helped to establish a school called The Beshara School of Intensive Esoteric Education at Chisholme House near Roberton just outside of Hawick in the Scottish Borders.

I first visited this place of education for the Night of Power Zikr 1980. I kept an appointment with destiny, a destiny which is still unfolding and certifying itself in this moment of my writing the letters that come together to form the words of this message.

The extract from Bülent’s letter called “Render unto Caesar…” describes Beshara as His, whilst also aligning it with the words “powerful” and “determined“.

The Presence Template mentioned above was my way back in 2015 of writing, trying to describe events that have actually happened in me, in my living experience. Not until a Sufi friend on Facebook recognised in my writings something that he recognised as tifl al-maani (child of the heart), has my destiny clarified a little more.

Right now, the most brilliant minds are engaged in devising an avian flu virus for humans. They’ve cracked it already, I’ll bet.

Henry Bayman in interview 2013

As you can see if you click on the above link and read the interview with Henry Bayman, there is a deeper presence on this Earth than the shallow crashing waves of appearances that have increasingly addled the attention of the news watchers since World War Two.

As World War Three is now here, can anything be done to minimise its catastrophic potential to wipe out everything and everybody?

Only God knows.

So, all I can do is to be sincere, for sincerity is all I am, sincerity is therefore also all that I have.

My work is to bring together opposites by invitation of God in an illumination of faith from God. My name in Arabic therefore is Abd al Mu’min al Jami ibn Hulli. Is this too pretentious for 2023 from a man born in Cottingham in the UK, who is called Andrew?

If the people who might yet have influence upon events in the theatres of clashing cultures ignore my invitation, again, then the consequences seem to be ever nearer to those that Professor Doctor Carl Jung envisioned at the end of his life, huge swathes of material destruction on Earth.

In the above link is described the event that I tried to describe in the Presence Template writing in 2015, an event that occurred in 1982.

[Tifl al-mânâ, the spirit-child:] This is very delicate, this. It is a spiritual child that is fatherless, like Jesus. Everyone wants without effort. Be the possessor of the child of the spirit. If you were to retire to a cave for forty years, maybe you’d understand what this means…

From the article in above link hbayman….

So, all of the description that is brought out in the description of tifl-al-mânâ is familiar to me, as me. Can I be more clear?

The only issue then is, how can I help? This of course I do not know, for God is The Helper. As this is written, I can only conduct a communication.

…. and wait to see if there is now a response. To see if God can bring us together for a Jam.


This is my first Satsang recorded on a live Facebook transmission that pulls together in a spoken immediacy much of the work that has been hitherto published on my blogs over the last seven years.

There have been experiments with the video format before through YouTube and there are links to that platform in previous posts.

There is a professional portal at that offers my help for individuals and for systems that require a more secular interface to begin to navigate through the space that opens within the current global challenges.


This is my experience of tifl-i maani in 1982 …. Salaam.

“For those who possess knowledge, it is necessary to understand the reality of humanity, which is called tifl-i maani (child of the spirit or heart; spiritual child), to be educated by repetition of the attribute of tawhid (unity; oneness), and to pass through the material world to reach the spiritual, sacred world. That is the world of secrets. There is no one in that place except the Person, the essence of Allah. There is no other land there; that place is an open field.

The spiritual child, tifl-i maani, flies there. He sees strange and wondrous things there, but it is not possible to relate them to others. That is the maqam (station; spiritual level) of the people who have reached fana (annihilation; ending; being absorbed) to their own existence.

This is how it is to look from the angle of wahdat (oneness). In seeing Allah’s countenance, one’s own mortal body disappears.

When your eyesight is taken by the sun, you cannot see yourself. What can a nafs be left with, facing the manifestation of Allah’s Jamal (Beauty [countenance])? Nothing.

Isa [Jesus], peace be upon him, says: “In order for a human being to pass into malakut, he must be born twice.

The birds are also born twice.” What is meant by these words is the birth of the spiritual world in the human being.

That [spiritual world] emerges from the real ability of the human being. And that is the secret of the human being. Its existence is born from the unity of sharia and haqiqa, just as a baby is produced by the joining of two secretions.

Allah the Most High revealed the following ayat to explain this to us: “We created man from a mingling secretion, in order to try him.” (Insan 76:2)

After this understanding is attained, it will be easier to pass through the sea of creation and get to the depths of amr (command). Compared to the spiritual world, all the other worlds are only a portion of reality. There, after all of this is understood, the light and nourishment of spiritual and ilm-i ladun (knowledge from the Presence of Allah) are radiated throughout the universe, with no letter or voice.”” (Grand Masters of Sufism. Abdul Qadir Geylani & Ahmad er Rifai)


“The Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” Matthew 8:20


In all, there is One.

From Addresses II by Bülent Rauf

As soon as this One communicates to Itself as an apparent other, then the prefix di is useful. The One is then seen as the only unction, whilst the appearance of all matter is because of the primary diction which is the verb Be.

In a person who has experienced union with this primary diction, then that person becomes instantly a function of the One knowing Itself in Its own appearance of material otherness, in order to communicate with elements of this otherness who are nearly ready for their own function to appear.

In this function of union, there is the appearance of the other appearing to act. This is an actual fact that appears first as fiction to those whose facts are theoretical because their dictionary, their diction though real, is not connected to the Unction that is the Source of all really real articulation.

Fictions produce factions as people bereft of unction squabble to be the dominant fiction of an era.

The diction of people can only be healed by the application and the reception of unction from a person who is that very unction in every moment and breath of their mortal appearance.

There are only three states of experience apprehensible by sentient beings on Earth. 1 ignorance 2 denial 3 realisation.

Each of these states has a diction, or a way of transmission and reception of meaning through words and the actions attached to such words.

Therefore the function of a person in contact with the One will be received inevitably in and through the states of the recipient. Realised people recognise realised people. This is rare.

For the most part the state of people and their collective experience is one of interactive denial and ignorance which often produces violence. This violence begins as mental animosity which then becomes a physical expression as lawlessness and then a venting into eventual war.

Unction is present at all moments on Earth, the reception of such a singular fact is blocked off by ignorance and denial. As you read this, you either recognise these words, as good as being your own, or you will be brought to an experience of your own particular guage of your inner levels of animosity, denial and ignorance.

I can’t undo my union, but I can assure you that you can grow beyond your ignorance and denial with help.

Everything may be seen as a fiction in Its differentiation when assessed from a personal point prior to remembering the absolute Unity of Existence. That is not the problem as fictions jostle to argue democratically. The problem with relative disconnected fictions is when they become totalitarian factions that are wielded with lethal force. Democracy itself is then just another disconnected fiction wielded with lethal force.

The test for a fiction is in its function. Is the relative fiction delivering regularly on its promise? Are the people being served or exploited? Are the people being helped to individuate in a life where death is not an enemy to life, but simply a necessary opposite terminal to birth?

When all the stories fail, when previous parables have become made literal and then wielded like weapons to make empires, then the overall function of Mankind collapses.

What is the function of Mankind designed to be, other than to birth Humankind?

This possibility of growth can then be reflected in a collective condition if there is time given by God and if that extension of time is actually requested by those factions who presently lead only by hovering over the means of the total destruction of any such said collective condition in the first place.

This recalibration for the body of Mankind, this present extension of possible time for 2022 requires an extreme unction from the Source. This is the HU man healing.

I mind you clearly.

When the word mind is received as a verb rather than a noun, then even though a simple distinction the result is magnificent.

Middle vertical column meets second horizontal column to show the Ancient place.

So, the mind is the sixth sense. You can see that there is a bracket missing in the experiential portals, it is minding.

I am minding that the overall tenor of this post is challenging for many people. Yet, the service that the old Buddhist flow chart gives is inestimable. When mind is a noun, it is a box containing theoretically every thing that a person thinks, wonders, imagines, feels, desires, is ordered to do.

So, presently many, many people feel trapped in the box of their mind. This constraint is the root of much mental illness and much misdiagnosis. The wish to be out of their minds illustrates an increasing herd mentality phenomenon that exposes our Addictive System in a terminal decline.

Any imposition of a theoretical solution for people today will make the collective situation worse. Only an invitation to an evidence based possibility of a reconnection to an Ancient template for Mankind’s inner potential has any chance of averting the impending extermination that is the MAD of a nuclear war.

When the word mind is experienced as the verb that it is, a portal opens that is Ancient and Modern.

Because I mind you, I can remind you.

The Symbol

Jung said that he saw God as “The Symbol of symbols “. This intimation may be clarifying at this time of monarch change in the UK and the British Commonwealth, whose total population is well over two billion people.

The paradox is that the British monarchy is held captive to the UK parliamentary system just as is the UK population. The symbols of state power with its necessary fetish for uniform and ceremony are presently holding many people around the world enthralled as they watch on their media outlets.

With many people about to stand for thirty hours to file past the late Queen’s coffin, the power of this phenomenon illustrates the connection of symbols in our world as they connect to The Symbol of symbols.

It’s clear that no mere political leader could ever evoke such a public response in the UK. So, as King Charles III assumes his position in history with all of the connection of that royal title as it has impacted upon the UK’s parliamentary system in the past, it may be interesting to see how much actual power he might channel toward events in the days to come.

In my work as an Addiction Counsellor, I have to inform my clients that everything and everyone in this post-Quantum age can be seen as symbolic and intimately connected. More than this, I have to inform people who have become almost hopelessly lost in their inner intimations around reading their symbols, that only a conscious contact with The Symbol of symbols can help to unravel their inner knots, their stuck-addiction and broken-addiction.

So, as the old power symbols meet the new power symbols, the Ancient of Days is present as ever.